Molecular Mimicry: The Role of Cannabis in Healing Autoimmune Disease

Photo by Leslie Carrow

Photo by Leslie Carrow

By Sarah Russo

While advancements in science have enabled a greater understanding of our health, getting to the root cause of a chronic disease can be challenging. Autoimmune conditions are an area of medicine that remain largely misunderstood. Presently, there are more than 80 registered autoimmune disorders, affecting various parts of the body.

Herbs and foods that work to modulate the immune system are ideal for someone dealing with an autoimmune condition. Cannabis therapy and dietary changes seem to be safer, cheaper, and possibly more effective for combating autoimmune conditions than pharmaceutical medications. Cannabis and other adaptogenic herbs are known to be immune-modulating. They act as a regulating tool: they can bring an over or under-reacting immune system back into balance. Based on current research, cannabis therapies may provide benefits for autoimmune disease in three basic ways: modulation of the immune system, decreasing general inflammation, and helping to assist the digestive system.

Originally appeared on the Fundación Canna website | Versión en español


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